The Peacemakers Museum will focus on how the North of Ireland moved from decades of violent conflict to the peace we all enjoy and maintain today.
The Peacemakers Museum is located in the famous Bogside area of Derry in the North of Ireland. The small working class area witnessed some of the key events of the conflict including the Battle of the Bogside and Bloody Sunday.
The museum explores the period from August 1972 to May 2007 to explain how the conflict evolved into the peace process and the impact of both on the local area. The museum uses artefacts, oral history, archive footage, interactive features and unique displays to explain how the Agreement was reached, its implementation and its potential implications for the future of the island. It also features the key role played by three Bogsiders – John Hume, Martin McGuinness and Mitchel McLaughlin – in creating the conditions that have led to the peace we all enjoy today. All three men played a key role in developing the 1998 Good Friday Agreement which provided a political template for resolving the conflict and a future which could be determined on the principle of consent.
The museum also explores the role played by local female activists and young people in local political and social campaigns, music, sport, culture and more. The Peacemakers museum details how local people resiliently endured decades of conflict until the peace was won.
The museum is housed in the Gasyard Community Centre which is based on the site of the former city Gasworks
Gasyard Centre, 128 Lecky Road
Derry • BT48 6NP • N Ireland
T: +44 (0)28 7126 2812
E: info@peacemakersmuseumderry.com
Adult: £8 p/p • Concession: £7 p/p • Group rate: £7 p/p
Mon-Fri: 9.30am-5pm (All year round)
Sat: 10am-4pm
Sun: 10am-4pm (Apr-Sept)
The Bogside, Creggan and Brandywell areas of Derry in the North of Ireland, had evolved into a self-governing, no-go area since January 1969 as result of the Irish nationalist residents’ growing opposition to the policies of the unionist-controlled state government which had run the North of Ireland with British government support following the partition of Ireland in 1921. The ‘Free Derry’ period witnessed seminal events such as the Battle of the Bogside and Bloody Sunday and saw multiple deaths and injuries amongst local combatants and civilians. To learn more about the origins of the conflict and the Free Derry era, we recommend a visit to the award-winning Museum of Free Derry which is just a ten-minute walk from this Exhibition. Students and teachers studying the origins and evolution of the conflict from internment through to the restoration of power-sharing in 2007 can also use our Learning Portal which is based on the GCSE curriculum in the North and Inter-Cert curriculum in the 26-Counties.
By 1829, Derry's gasworks was fully operational on its original site in the Foyle Street/Bridge Street area. It would later transfer to the Lecky Road where it remained until it closed in the late 1980s. From the mid-nineteenth century coal was imported in its tonnes through the City’s docks to manufacture the gas, which lit the street lamps and provided an economically viable fuel for Derry’s homes and industries. After WWI, inflation and the closure of thousands of UK collieries would have a detrimental effect on gas manufacture. By 1932 Derry’s population had swelled to 47,000 and the gasworks was supplying homes and industry through a staggering 197 million cubic feet of pipeline. 30 years later, the increased level of processing required for coal, combined with the strong competition from both oil and electricity, led to the gasyard changing to oil gasification. The gradual redevelopment of the Bogside/Brandywell area in the 60s/70s saw former residents re-housed in developments that ran on electricity, such as the Rossville Street flats. The general consensus about this new form of heating and cooking was favourable. It was clear that the gasworks’ days were numbered. The gasworks was to cease functioning, largely unnoticed, in 1987. The site was redeveloped in the 1990s by the Gasyard Development Trust and turned into a vibrant multi-purpose asset for the local community.